中文 ENGlISH 歡迎訪問美中藝術家作品展,慶祝美國貿易發展委員會成立五周年!
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Paul Oman
Paul Oman shares his love of painting with people of all ages. A native of Amery, Wisconsin (USA), Paul was honored as a Bold Brush International Painting Competition finalist for his watercolors in 2010 and 2013, featured in the 2017 National Watercolor Society’s International Exhibition in San Pedro, CA and has exhibited in other national and regional exhibitions.

Paul paints with watercolor, acrylic, and oil. The fast and free approach of watercolor has become the foundation for how Paul sees and approaches the visual arts in studio, plein air (on-location), and as he paints before live audiences. Painting since he was ten years of age, Paul works full-time using his artistic abilities to bring hope, inspiration, joy and value to the lives of other through art and its creative processes.

Founder of Drawn to the Word in 2011, Paul paints large-scale canvases with high visual impact before audiences, creating stories that inspire. Consulting with organizations worldwide, he paints their story and mission, creating uniquely memorable experiences.

Paul is also an instructor of drawing and painting, sharing the joy of painting in any medium with people of all ages and abilities.

Paul lives near Deer Park, Wisconsin, with his wife Jana and their children.

E-mail: paul@paulomanfineart.com


Clydesdale Farm watercolor 11x15

Breakfast At The Bale_watercolor_11x15

Spring Day On The Homestead_watercolor, 11x15

Small Town FridayNight_watercolor11x15